lunedì 14 settembre 2009

Free Advice, Found Aftae Cure!!! All This Time it has been on the market..

Ok You Suffer, like me by the rest.. of very bad mouth ulcers or Aftae..

I refuse to upload photos of it, couse I think it might disgust you readers, as how it disgusts me...

On the internet you can find loads of tested and unifficent solutions, like using salt.. ripping it off.. using Pyralvex, wich BURNS LIKE HELL ON EARTH and using lemon, oral med.. or a stupit kind of gel that doesen't actually do anything!!

Why the ulcers come is a mistery, but sureley it's something connected to stomach problems, If they are very frequent, I strongly raccomend you go and see a doctor, anyway for normal aftaeI found the right medicine!!


So italian compatriots here it is:

It is a quite powerfull Gel called BONJELA, now they don't sell this product in Italy, but the internet offers a solution to that you can safely buy the product here, now this is the lowest priced and safest internet site I found, here the product costs 3£, then there is a canadian site that sells it for 79$ now that's what I call a ripp off!!!

Note that the medicine is very effective and I strongly suggest it to you, but read the raccomandations before using it!

Thank you all for reading, and post for feedback!!!

2 commenti:

  1. complimenti trovo l'idea del tuo blog molto utile e originale!
    soprattutto il gel che consigli per le afte è davero una bomba!!!! garantsco anch'io!!!!!

  2. Marco! Sei il primo a commentare il mio Blog!
    Grazie del commento, mi farebbe molto piacere se tu diventassi mio sostenitore!!!

    Le afte.. che disastro.. questo prodotto pero' purtroppo non c'è in italia, ed ha anche altri usi oltre che a quello di curare le afte.. poi in confronto a quelle cose che ci rifilano è forte davvero!
